Monday, October 24, 2016

Motivation Monday: Why I Farm Roadtrip Week 25

Wow! Another week of the Why I Farm Roadtrip is in the books. I look forward to what adventures await in week 25. Along the way, I'm keeping these farmers' stories tucked in the back of my mind for inspiration. I hope you find them as motivating as I have.

Connecticut farmer: Rachel Freund
“It’s what I know. I grew up with this lifestyle. I can’t imagine a life without cows in the background. I farm to stay connected with animals. I’m a very huge animal lover. The work isn’t always cuddly, but we still provide them with the right environment and quality care. They do right by you if you do right by them.” - Rachel Freund of Freund's Farm Market & Bakery in East Canaan, Connecticut

Rhode Island farmers: Jonathan & Hazel Secchiaroli
“We do it for the past, the present, and the future. For the past, Jonathan farms to honor his family’s legacy. He farms for the present because it’s something he enjoys doing. Pigs in particular give him a sense of accomplishment. And we farm for the future, because hopefully someday our kids will want to go into farming. We’re stewards of the environment. Our practices include recycling food scraps and diverting them from the landfill so we’re sustainable for the future.” - Hazel Seccharoli of Secchiaroli Farm in Waterford, Connecticut

Click on each photo to read the farmers' full Why I Farm blog post. I hope these stories inspire you to think about your past, present and future. Happy Monday! Thanks for reading!

P.S. To keep up with the Why I Farm stories as they come out, 'Like' the Facebook page or 'Follow' Why I Farm on Twitter.

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