And although sometimes it seems like it never comes fast enough, once spring arrives, it always amazes me how quickly the grass greens up, trees begin to bud, and jackets are left behind. Games of catch and evening walks suddenly are much more appealing, and days get longer. On campus, people start eating lunch outside and playing frisbee on central campus between classes.
Before you know it, spring turns to full blown summer full of camps, trips, baseball games, fireworks, cook outs, and NO SCHOOL! Now that I'm in college, my summers have been filled with hands on learning experiences in the form of internships and travel. Some of my personal favorite summer memories are catching a few rays at my brother's baseball games, fair time, a high school trip to Spain, and last year's Iowa Corn Indy 300 race weekend! This summer I look forward to interning in the Marketing Communications department with Beck's Hybrids in Atlanta, Indiana.
Somehow, every August I'm ready to head back to school eagerly look forward to cooler nights filled with football games and bonfires. Getting into a new routine, meeting new teachers, and making new memories are always exciting parts of this time of year. Personally, I just love sweatshirt weather and taking pictures of the beautiful autumn leaves. Harvest time and seeing all the productivity of the ag industry this time of year especially, always makes me proud. At Iowa State, fall brings events like Ag Business Fall Industry Tour, CALS Week, and lots of tailgating.
This year, I'm going to try to be thankful for the season we're in and appreciate the fun things that come around each time of year... even as I waddle to class in all my snow gear! Join me! Thanks for reading!
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