Monday, August 8, 2016

Motivation Monday: Why I Farm Roadtrip Week 13

Traveling to all 50 states in a year is no cakewalk, but I'm never short on motivation. Each state, I meet more farmers that inspire me to keep up this fast paced travel blogging adventure. Here are a few that have been especially meaningful to me this week when I encountered challenges.

West Virginia farmer: Danielle Grant
“I always knew I wanted to be involved in agriculture, I just didn’t know to what capacity. I became an ag teacher so that was going to be my contribution, but then we met in college and he already had the farm. We feel it’s important to give back educationally, so we’re both involved on the livestock committee in West Virginia Farm Bureau and volunteer at the fair. That youth component, I think, holds the biggest place in both of our hearts. Little kids love agriculture. It’s hands on, it’s dirty, and it’s something they enjoy. It’s really important for us to give back at that youth level.” – Danielle Grant, of Elm Grove Farm in Southside, West Virginia

Delaware farmer: Brian Hearn
“Why do I farm? That’s pretty simple. The only job I’ve ever had was an ag job. I wasn’t raised on a farm but since the age of 12 I’ve been working for local farmers. I just kind of fell in love with that occupation. The number one thing I love about my job now is the relationship I have with all the researchers and constantly trying to keep things moving. I like being involved with all the project leaders and professors, and working with them hand in hand. It makes you feel good when you go to some local meetings and see all the research they’re talking about is stuff you actually grew, took care of, and raised. Farming is a good, honest living and people are always going to need to eat.” – Brian Hearn, Farm Manager at the University of Delaware College of Agriculture and Natural Resources

Kentucky farmer: Nicholas Hardesty
“We take pride in this. This is where we live. This is where our kids grow up. This is where our customers come. Everything we do is to preserve it for the girls. They’re the main reason we farm. Don’t get me wrong, the good Lord picked us to do this, but we farm for them. If they decide to farm, we want something to be here." - Nicholas Hardesty of Hardesty Farms and Greenhouses in Kentucky

Click on the photos to read each farmer's full Why I Farm blog post. I hope these stories encourage you to share your passion with others, appreciate your co-workers, and take pride in your work this week. Happy Monday! Thanks for reading!

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